Healthcare Entrepreneurs’ Boot Camp
The Healthcare Entrpreneurs' Boot Camp is now part of the Health Data Consortium Curriculum and features Marshall Votta as a session orchestrator along with Joshua Rosenthal, PhD of RowdMap, Sujata Bhatia, [...]
Putting Data To Work To Improve Health
Great blog post from Health Affairs about our Portfolio Company RowdMap and Putting Data To Work To Improve Health. "Fortunately, we have strong examples of data’s potential to improve health and health care. [...]
RowdMap, Inc. Co-founder Organizes Entrepreneurs’ BootCamp to Ignite Innovation by Connecting Open Health Data to Value Propositions at Health Datapalooza
Payment and incentives models are fundamentally changing in healthcare while the Department of Health and Human Services continues to open up health data. RowdMap, Inc. co-founder, Josh Rosenthal, co-organizers [...]
InformedDNA explains why responsibility for genetic testing research lies with industry, academia, not health plans
There is quite a bit of controversy about panel testing and who should pay for tests that often provide unproven or unknown results. While these tests have their place for [...]
Leverage Health On the Move: NASHO & NAVCP 2015 Speciality Health Summit
Leverage Health will once again have a busy week, this time in Las Vegas at the National Association of Speciality Health Organizations (NASHO) and National Association of Vision Care [...]
Leverage Health on the Move: Health Evolution Partners Summit 2015
Leverage Health will be at Health Evolution Partners Summit 2015 this week, Apr. 29 through May 1 in Dana Point, CA. Each year, the Health Evolution Summit convenes 500 [...]
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