Josh Holmes

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So far Josh Holmes has created 5 blog entries.
6 07, 2021

Digital Quality Measurement – Achieving Clinically-Sound HealthCare at Scale


Healthcare is transforming itself again, as the industry continues to make improvements in the transition from a fee-for-service model to one based on value. Correspondingly, the demand for measures of healthcare quality has grown. Innovative technologies that facilitate digital measurements of quality already exist, and now organizations such as the National Committee for Quality [...]

Digital Quality Measurement – Achieving Clinically-Sound HealthCare at Scale2021-08-30T17:43:32+00:00
8 10, 2015

Digital Marketing is Reshaping the Healthcare Industry


You probably don’t know where your blind spots are. The healthcare industry has an unprecedented opportunity to drive market share, create transparency, improve performance, and engage patients, by leveraging digital marketing solutions.  Businesses, in general, are implementing  more targeted efforts aimed at getting in touch with more focused demographics when engaging in digital marketing.  [...]

Digital Marketing is Reshaping the Healthcare Industry2018-10-30T21:01:06+00:00
9 06, 2015

The time is now (real-time) to have accurate Provider Data


Beginning next year, CMS will require health insurers to provide individuals enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans up-to-date details about those plans in real time. More specifically, health insurers will have to contact doctors and other providers every three months and update their online directories to include details about which doctors in the plan are [...]

The time is now (real-time) to have accurate Provider Data2018-10-30T20:40:57+00:00
24 04, 2015

Federal Governments Requirements for QHPs and Provider Directories – Don’t Panic (Yet).


What You Need to Know: On Feb. 20, 2015, 2015 the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released two distinct rules regarding online directories.  According to the rule, Medicare Advantage Organizations will be required to contact providers on a quarterly basis (90 days) beginning next year and be expected to update online directories [...]

Federal Governments Requirements for QHPs and Provider Directories – Don’t Panic (Yet).2018-10-30T20:02:18+00:00
13 02, 2015

Provider Data 911 – ACA Marketplace Health Plans’ Dilemma


The ACA (Affordable Care Act) has significantly increased the number of consumers participating in an already overburdened healthcare delivery system.  While it has provided significantly increased access to a wider range of health insurance benefits than has ever before been available, it has also added increased complexity.  The onus is on health insurance providers [...]

Provider Data 911 – ACA Marketplace Health Plans’ Dilemma2018-10-30T19:46:04+00:00
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