SPOTLIGHT: Richard Lungen, Membership Chair, HealthCare Executive Group (HCEG)
About Richard Lungen, Membership Chair, HCEG and Managing Member, Leverage Health Richard founded Leverage Health following 16 years of leadership experience within the managed care, life and health insurance, [...]
“Medicare test would make hospitals bear risk for knee surgeries…”
“Medicare test would make hospitals bear risk for knee surgeries…” Modern Healthcare: July 9, 2015 The volunteer phase of the war on Fee-for-Service is over, and now the draft [...]
Paper Published Today: “Proactively Identifying the High-Cost Population”
Health Care Transformation Task Force Helps Providers and Payers Identify and Manage Complex Patients July 1, 2015, MT KISCO, NY –– The High Cost Patient Work Group, part of the Health [...]
Leverage Founder Reflects on Change, Growth
It has been eight years since Leverage Health (fka The Lungen Group) was launched. We thought it was a good time to check in with our founder, Richard Lungen [...]
The time is now (real-time) to have accurate Provider Data
Beginning next year, CMS will require health insurers to provide individuals enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans up-to-date details about those plans in real time. More specifically, health insurers will [...]
Leverage Health Heads to Health Dataplaooza 2015
Leverage Health Heads to Health Dataplaooza 2015 June 1, 2015, MT KISCO, NY –– Leverage Health (LH) is excited to participate in this year’s Health Datapalooza, presented by the Health Data [...]
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