
25 09, 2017

Keep your At-Risk Members Healthy while improving your HEDIS and STAR Ratings


Keep your At-Risk Members Healthy while improving your HEDIS and STAR Ratings Diabetes is a chronic disease that can create downstream health issues if not carefully watched and addressed. In fact, according to the CDC, over 29 million, or 9.3% of the US population suffer from type 2 diabetes. [1] Diabetic patients need to [...]

Keep your At-Risk Members Healthy while improving your HEDIS and STAR Ratings2018-10-30T23:53:33+00:00
18 09, 2017

HCEG Annual Forum 2017


Leverage Health Pioneers Healthcare Transformation through the HCEG Annual Forum Over the course of two day beginning on 9/18/2017, HCEG participants will engage in robust dialogue, learn from each other about opportunities, challenges and issues we are all facing in the future of healthcare, and even more importantly, to forge new relationships with healthcare executives [...]

HCEG Annual Forum 20172018-10-30T23:51:05+00:00
18 09, 2017

Part 2: Insomnia


The Economic and Psychological Costs of Insomnia: Part 2: Insomnia – Is there a better solution for health plans?  Member engagement is among the largest challenges health payers and third-party administrators (TPA) face in today’s consumer driven healthcare system. Millions of dollars are spent every year marketing to members to get them more involved [...]

Part 2: Insomnia2018-10-30T23:42:34+00:00
11 09, 2017

Part 1: Insomnia


The Economic and Psychological Costs of Insomnia: Part 1: Insomnia – How to address and then overcome it[/custom_headline][text_output]There is no secret that sleep is a necessity, and yet we continue to sacrifice rest just to squeeze a few extra hours out of the day. What could it hurt, right? It turns out that not [...]

Part 1: Insomnia2018-10-30T23:39:50+00:00
16 02, 2016

Leverage Founder Looks Forward to a Great 2016


Interview with Richard Lungen, Managing Member of Leverage Health Q: How would you characterize Leverage Health’s current market position? A: Stronger than ever and with the headwinds in our favor related to healthcare trends we are very optimistic on our future! 2016 looks to be our best year since the company launched on January [...]

Leverage Founder Looks Forward to a Great 20162018-10-30T23:22:28+00:00
25 01, 2016

U.S. News and RowdMap, Inc. Team Up to Help Patients Make More Informed Health Care Decisions


U.S. News and RowdMap, Inc. Team Up to Help Patients Make More Informed Health Care Decisions Washington, D.C. – Tuesday, January 19, 2016 – U.S. News & World Report, publisher of Best Hospitals for more than 25 years, today announced a collaboration with RowdMap, Inc. to help patients make better health care decisions and [...]

U.S. News and RowdMap, Inc. Team Up to Help Patients Make More Informed Health Care Decisions2018-10-30T23:15:22+00:00
11 01, 2016

RowdMap, Inc. Co-Founder Speaks at Meridian


RowdMap, Inc. Co-Founder Speaks at Meridian with United States Ambassadors on International Health, Innovation and Policy ]Joshua Rosenthal, PhD, Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer at RowdMap, Inc. spoke at a Health and Innovation Leadership Dialog hosted by Meridian International Center in partnership with the French-American Cultural Foundation (FACF) and thanks to the support of [...]

RowdMap, Inc. Co-Founder Speaks at Meridian2018-10-30T22:54:14+00:00
13 11, 2015

Interest-Based Advertising Obligations for Healthcare Providers: Hear from the Pros


Ghostery, in conjunction with Leverage Health Solutions, is proud to present this important webinar where you will learn your obligations under the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising, and also get an overview on marketing trends in the healthcare industry and how they affect your organization.  Panelists for this event [...]

Interest-Based Advertising Obligations for Healthcare Providers: Hear from the Pros2018-10-30T21:59:21+00:00
5 11, 2015



The long and winding road That leads to your door Will never disappear I’ve seen that road before It always leads me here Lead me to your door -The Beatles If you’ve been around the health care industry for the last 30+ years, you know that the ACA and HHS’ efforts around value based [...]

8 10, 2015

Digital Marketing is Reshaping the Healthcare Industry


You probably don’t know where your blind spots are. The healthcare industry has an unprecedented opportunity to drive market share, create transparency, improve performance, and engage patients, by leveraging digital marketing solutions.  Businesses, in general, are implementing  more targeted efforts aimed at getting in touch with more focused demographics when engaging in digital marketing.  [...]

Digital Marketing is Reshaping the Healthcare Industry2018-10-30T21:01:06+00:00
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