
27 04, 2015

Leverage Health on the Move: Health Evolution Partners Summit 2015


Leverage Health will be at Health Evolution Partners Summit 2015 this week, Apr. 29 through May 1 in Dana Point, CA. Each year, the Health Evolution Summit convenes 500 of the most prominent business leaders from health care services, IT and life science sectors to discuss critical issues facing the industry. In a uniquely [...]

Leverage Health on the Move: Health Evolution Partners Summit 20152018-10-30T20:07:06+00:00
13 02, 2015

Provider Data 911 – ACA Marketplace Health Plans’ Dilemma


The ACA (Affordable Care Act) has significantly increased the number of consumers participating in an already overburdened healthcare delivery system.  While it has provided significantly increased access to a wider range of health insurance benefits than has ever before been available, it has also added increased complexity.  The onus is on health insurance providers [...]

Provider Data 911 – ACA Marketplace Health Plans’ Dilemma2018-10-30T19:46:04+00:00
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