Monthly Archives: August 2021

31 08, 2021

High-Touch Healthcare in High-Tech Times


Though our industry has seen a flood of innovations since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and no doubt will see more, old-fashioned human touch still plays a vital role in healthcare. By human touch we mean caring personal interaction with patients, whether or not it’s in-person. We also see its importance in COVID-19 [...]

High-Touch Healthcare in High-Tech Times2021-11-17T17:57:03+00:00
5 08, 2021

Leverage Insights


Issue 7, August 2021 Behavioral Healthcare Roundtable What Needs to Change and How to Make It Happen Intro: In this latest issue of Leverage Insights, Richard Lungen leads a kinetic discussion with four industry movers and shakers about the state of behavioral healthcare. At our virtual roundtable are psychotherapist Marjorie Morrison, CEO and Co-founder [...]

Leverage Insights2021-08-03T22:49:17+00:00
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