Monthly Archives: October 2019

29 10, 2019

Mobile Health Devices Are Here—Now What?


Health consumers have them, but are providers and health systems ready to use them? Innovations in healthcare appear every day. Until recently considered experimental, health-related mobile devices are being adopted by a growing number of consumers. Now, wherever it might improve the quality of the care offered, it’s time that healthcare systems, hospitals, [...]

Mobile Health Devices Are Here—Now What?2019-10-29T14:04:42+00:00
15 10, 2019

The HealthCare Executive Group and Its Evolution Over the Years


The HealthCare Executive Group and Its Evolution Over the Years Richard Lungen, Managing Member of Leverage Health and HCEG board member shares his take on what makes the HealthCare Executive Group and its long-running annual forum different than other healthcare conferences, how it’s participants have changed over the years to include not only health plans [...]

The HealthCare Executive Group and Its Evolution Over the Years2021-04-28T14:59:33+00:00
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