
18 09, 2017

Part 2: Insomnia


The Economic and Psychological Costs of Insomnia: Part 2: Insomnia – Is there a better solution for health plans?  Member engagement is among the largest challenges health payers and third-party administrators (TPA) face in today’s consumer driven healthcare system. Millions of dollars are spent every year marketing to members to get them more involved [...]

Part 2: Insomnia2018-10-30T23:42:34+00:00
11 09, 2017

Part 1: Insomnia


The Economic and Psychological Costs of Insomnia: Part 1: Insomnia – How to address and then overcome it[/custom_headline][text_output]There is no secret that sleep is a necessity, and yet we continue to sacrifice rest just to squeeze a few extra hours out of the day. What could it hurt, right? It turns out that not [...]

Part 1: Insomnia2018-10-30T23:39:50+00:00
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